“Primary goal of the program is to select the best HR business practice in a transparent manner and with the support of a professional jury.
Please find HERE more about the program.”
HR business practice implies a sustainable company program (practice has been applied at least for 2 years) which brings values for the employees, company and society.
Conditions to participate in the competition are as follows:
- That legal entity whose HR business practice is nominated is registered at the Republic of Serbia’s territory
- That a nominated HR business practice fulfils the competition criteria
- Value which an HR business practice has for the employees
- Value which an HR business practice brings to a company
- Value of an HR business practice for the society
- Sustainability of an HR business practice (practice has been applied for at least 2 years )
Each representative of a company is eligible to nominate HR business practice of its company for the award, but some other companies as well. If HR business practice is nominated by a person who is not employed in a company whose business practice is nominated, such nomination must be accepted by the representative of a company whose business practice is nominated.
- Empowering the employer branding
- Enhancing the reputation
- Promotion of the company and its good practices
- Press release for the companies that won the first three places
- Promotion by means of campaigns at the communication channels of ManpowerGroup
- Promotion within the Knowledge Corner on Manpower website, for the winners of first five places (article on a selected subject)
First stage
Once the Competition is closed, the Organizer shall review the applications submitted for the Competition within a period defined by the rules. The five contestants with the highest number of points on the application form advance to the second round (the maximum number of points is 24).
Organiser may appoint and dismiss at its own discretion the members of a professional jury.
Second stage
During the second stage, a detailed presentation of nominated business practices shall be organised, in front of a professional jury, for 5 business practices which have passed the first stage, for the purpose of additional explanation regarding the criteria. Decision on the first five places shall be made based on the jury votes (maximally 24 points) and votes of the audience via LinkedIn social network (maximally 5 points). Namely, all the 5 business practices shall be presented at the official LinkedIn page of the ManpowerGroup Srbija company. To each of them shall be awarded a certain number of points (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points) proportionally to the number of „likes“- at the LinkedIn, in the following way: 5 points for a business practice whose presentation gets the most „likes“, whereas 1 point shall be awarded to a program whose presentation gets the least number of „likes“. A maximal number of „likes“ to be taken into account by the employees of a company whose business practice is nominated shall be 20, in order to prevent a direct influence of the number of employees from the companies which entered the second stage on points received through the number of „likes“ on LinkedIn. „Likes“ from the employees of ManpowerGroup SEE and partner company Assert International shall not be taken into account.
The winner, as well as those who won the second and third place shall be selected by summing up the votes (points) of the professional jury and the number of points gained based on „likes“ at the LinkedIn.
Professional jury is entitled to choose one winner of the Competition. The winner may win the award only once. The winner of the award shall be contacted by the Organiser.
You can nominate an HR business practice by filling out an application form (electronically) HERE and by uploading thereof in the section “Nominate a practice”. Deadline for sending nominations is 13/05/2023 at 23:59. Applications submitted after this period shall not be taken into consideration.
For all the additional information please write to the following e-mail address hello@hdr.rs, and through the phone number 062 331 590.